A guide to user story mapping prioritization

A guide to user story mapping prioritization

User story mapping prioritization is a visual exercise that helps product managers and development teams define the work that will create the most delightful user experience.

4 min read

In the dynamic world of agile development, prioritizing features and user stories effectively is key to delivering valuable products that users love.

Story mapping, a collaborative visualization technique, emerges as a powerful tool for optimizing your product roadmap and ensuring you're focusing on what matters most.

User story mapping is a method to structure a complex product into user journeys. It was first described by Jeff Patton, who has written a whole book about it. It is part of the Lean Startup methodology. 

What is Story Mapping?

Imagine a map, not of geographical terrain, but of the user's journey. Story mapping creates a visual representation of this journey, breaking it down into key activities, tasks, and user stories. It enables you to:

  • Visualize the big picture: See how different features contribute to the overall user experience and identify dependencies between them.
  • Collaborate effectively: Involve stakeholders, from developers to designers, in the prioritization process.
  • Focus on user value: Prioritize stories based on their impact on users and their ability to solve their pain points.
  • Reduce rework: Identify gaps and dependencies early on, preventing rework and delays.

There are 3 different levels involved in creating a user story map.

3 levels of user story mapping

Level 1: Activities

The foundation of any user story map lies in the activities, the high-level actions users take to achieve their goals. These activities represent the core user journey and should be broad enough to encompass all relevant interactions. Here's an example:

  • Activity: Search for a product
  • This encompasses all user actions related to searching for a specific product on an e-commerce website, including entering keywords, filtering results, and browsing product details.

Level 2: Tasks

Next, we break down each activity into smaller, actionable tasks. These define the specific steps users need to take within each activity to achieve the desired outcome. Let's delve deeper into the "Search for a product" activity:

  • Task: Enter search keywords
  • Task: Filter results by category, price, or brand
  • Task: View product details, including images, descriptions, and reviews
  • Task: Add product to cart

Level 3: User Stories

Finally, we craft concise user stories for each task, using the "As a [user role], I want [to achieve this] so that [I benefit]" format. These stories provide a clear understanding of the user's perspective and their desired outcome. Here are some examples:

  • As a shopper, I want to enter search keywords so that I can find relevant products.
  • As a shopper, I want to filter results by category so that I can narrow down my search.
  • As a shopper, I want to view product details so that I can make an informed purchase decision.
Story maps contain 3 levels; activities, steps, and details.
Example of User Story Map from nngroup.com

Now, let us see how to create a story map, prioritize user stories and aligning them to a release.

The Five Steps of Story Mapping Prioritization

1. Defining the User Journey

  • Identify the key roles your users take and their goals.
  • Map out the main activities they perform to achieve those goals.
  • Break down activities into smaller, actionable tasks.

2. Crafting User Stories

  • For each task, write user stories that describe the desired outcome from the user's perspective.
  • Use the "As a [user role], I want [to achieve this] so that [I benefit]" format to ensure clarity and focus.

3. Prioritization Powerhouse

  • Utilize prioritization frameworks like MoSCoW (Must-have, Should-have, Could-have, Won't-have), RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort), or Kano analysis.
  • Consider factors like business value, user impact, feasibility, and dependencies.
  • Leverage heatmaps to visualize user behavior and identify areas requiring the most attention.

4. Mapping Stories to Releases

  • Group prioritized stories into logical releases based on feasibility and business value.
  • Aim for small, incremental releases that provide value to users quickly.
  • Ensure dependencies between stories are addressed within each release.

5. Continuous Improvement

  • Regularly revisit your user journey and story map to reflect changes in user needs and priorities.
  • Conduct user research and gather feedback to ensure you're on the right track.
  • Be flexible and adapt your roadmap as needed to stay ahead of the curve.

We hope the above 5 steps are clear to you and gives you a great perspective on user story mapping.

Tools and Techniques to Enhance Your Story Mapping Journey

  • Whiteboard and Sticky Notes: A simple yet effective method for collaborative brainstorming and visualization.
  • Digital Tools: Utilize software like Aha!, Jira, or Trello for managing user stories and releases online.
  • Prioritization Frameworks: Leverage MoSCoW, RICE, or Kano analysis to prioritize stories based on various criteria.
  • Heatmaps: Create visual representations of user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

Unlocking Success with Story Mapping

Story mapping prioritization is a powerful tool that empowers you to:

  • Deliver high-quality products: Focus on building features that users value and that solve their problems.
  • Increase team collaboration: Foster communication and buy-in from all stakeholders.
  • Improve product decision-making: Make data-driven decisions based on user insights and business goals.
  • Achieve greater agility: Adapt to changing circumstances and deliver value faster.

By embracing story mapping and prioritizing effectively, you can embark on a journey towards delivering products that not only meet user needs but also surpass expectations. So, embark on your story mapping adventure today and unlock the doors to agile success!

Additional Read

  • User Story Mapping: The Definitive Guide by Jeff Patton
  • Agile Alliance: User Story Mapping
  • The Product Manager: How To Use User Story Mapping To Improve Agile Backlog Prioritization
  • Video Tutorial: User Story Mapping in Action
  • Story Mapping Templates: Free Download


User story mapping prioritization is a valuable technique that can help Agile teams to deliver high-quality products that meet the needs of their users.

By following the steps outlined in this article and using the available tools and resources, teams can improve their collaboration, focus on user value, and achieve greater success.

Remember, the key to successful story mapping lies in collaboration, continuous improvement, and a focus on delivering value at every step of the journey.

Embrace the power of visualization and prioritization, and watch your product soar to new heights!

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